
Mini Reviews

Mini Review

Lately I watched several TV series, and while I enjoyed them and wanted to share my thoughts about them, I didn't feel the need to give them full scale reviews. What I ended up doing was tweeting around 7 tweets about each. However tweets end up buried under newer ones, and lost in the vast twitter-verse.

Watching these TV series was not the only time I felt like commenting on something I watched or read, but didn't have enough motivation or material for a full scale review. What I've now decided to do is write Mini Reviews (which will be tagged as such) with just a synopsis, general thoughts, and rating.

Expect the first one soon!


  1. Hello! I'm finding your blog really interesting to read, I came across it as I was searching for information about the old Scotland Yard and London. I was wondering have you written any mystery thrillers yet?

  2. Hi Rianna, thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. I'm so busy working on the blog and another project that I haven't actually written any mystery thrillers yet. However all the blog posts are research, and I have several plots ready.

    I love your paintings! http://riannagrace.blogspot.com/

  3. Hi Nicholas, Well I love mystery thrillers so I'm looking forward to your books in the future. I enjoy writing too and have made a start on a book - It's been 4 months and I'm only 6 pages in!! It's finding the time but I'm determined to finish it! Keep writing and thanks for visiting my blog too! :)

  4. I won't start writing a book any time soon, because I'd rather read and research more, but this morning I woke up with some inspiration and wrote a detailed outline for the first chapter of a book, and the main character's back story...

    Good luck for your writing efforts!

  5. That's great but now I want to know what it's about because I'm nosey! :) I'd like to get a move on with my story before my kids get too old to be interested in it. I ask them to read my pages for their reactions (eldest is 15) if it's rubbish he soon lets me know!! How spooky that you're reviewing The Thing!! We borrowed the blue ray version with Kurt Russell and watched it on Sunday! One of my favourite films. Haven't seen the other versions. Right..better get on. Looking forward to your next reviews.

  6. I'll be reviewing / comparing the Kurt Russell version with the latest The Thing soon.

    About the story I want to write I only planned the main character (personal investigator) and his back story. The crime itself will be based on a real life crime - High class area with 0% murder rate. Early morning of a big public holiday a man breaks into a penthouse and stabs the owner in his sleep. Owner somehow gets another knife and fights back. They killed each other. Both men come from rich well known families. Only witness (wife) claims they didn't say anything to each other during the fight. They didn't know each other, no friends in common, and police said internet / telephone records show they never communicated. No business / professional ties. Complete strangers. No motive. Unsolved crime.

  7. Ooo this sounds great!! It was the wife!! She's been having a secret affair for years and wouldn't leave her husband and the lover got fed up and decided to break in and kill the husband.......am I right???? Don't answer...I'll wait for the book! :)

  8. In the real life case, there was no connection between the wife and the intruder either. The wife happens to be the daughter of one of the biggest businessmen in the country, and most people would recognize her face. Very difficult for her to cheat without people gossiping. Most people actually speculated the husband and the intruder were gay lovers, but besides there being no connection between them, the autopsy revealed neither of them ever had gay sex.

    For the book I came up with a plausible logical motive which is not obvious.
